Hungerthon Testimonials

  • ·When I'm hungry I feel sad and my tummy hurts. Thank you for helping me have healthy foods to eat. When I bring them home I feel full and happy. My favorite part is knowing that I have food to eat. – Aria, age 4
  • ·I'm thankful for you guys for giving us food. Without you guys I would be starving! Jaydin, age 12
  • ·I would just like to say thank you so much. I really appreciate the food you gave to the school. It was really good food. I am surprised someone would even consider doing something like that. It was really thoughtful. – Rae Lynn
  • ·I feel like a poor person asking for food. – Corey, age 8
  • ·Thank you for the yummy food. It was very very yummy and nice. I love macaroni & cheese, I love cookies too. They were very yummy, Thank you! – Sierra, age 4
  • ·We don't have much food at our house, we live in a camper. When I'm hungry, cause I don't have food, I sometimes eat erasers whenever I don't have much. Thanks for the food. It's very kind of you to give me food. – Jordan, age 8
  • ·Sometimes my family runs out of money and we hardly have any food. I was in a program and it was about making a difference. – Cecilia, age 10
  • ·I would like to thank your organization for the opportunity to participate in the Weekend Backpack Program for our students during the 2021-2022 school year. We are a rural, very small K-8 district. We are located more than twenty miles from the nearest grocery store. Our families often do not have the resources to even get to a store to purchase food for their children. The district has an average of 85% of our students who qualify for free and reduced breakfast and lunch. The food that your program would provide for our students will be greatly needed and appreciated. – School Superintendent
  • “I feel happier knowing I won't be hungry. My favorite part about the Weekend Backpack Program is the people that support us.”- Harmony, age 9
  • “When I'm hungry, I feel weird. I feel like I get angry because it takes so long for me to get food. After I bring home the backpack, I am happy because I know there is a snack if I get hungry. My favorite part about the backpack is bringing home the food because it gives me strength.” – Hayden, age 8
  • “When I'm hungry, I don't feel like learning. When I bring home food for the weekend, I feel happy. I want to share food with my sisters and my family. My family says nice things.”- SPS Student, age 6
  • “It was hard to have enough food for everybody. Now with the food bag, we have enough for the weekend.” – Sebastian, age 7
  • “It's very hard with not having a job and balancing four kids plus another one that will be here in just a few months. I really do want you thank you for helping us with the backpack program because every little bit helps. Thank you again.” – parent of Weekend Backpack student
  • “The backpack program has been great for Robberson, because it’s really helped our students and our families. Kids get excited when they get their food bags to go home. It’s a good resource for them. They don’t have to worry about what they’re going to eat or what their next meal’s going to be over the weekend. So it’s a great thing for our families.” – School counselor at Robberson Elementary, Springfield, MO

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